How Much Does Real Estate Arbitration Cost?
Arbitration involves a third party with no vested interests meeting with the two disputants. The goal is to find a solution, but it differs from litigation in that it does not take place in a court with a judge and formal court laws do not apply. This can lead to less discovery but also opens up the possibility of more conversations as opposed to the court session which can smack of interrogation. If the two parties are to remain friends (especially if they live next to each other) arbitration can be the easiest solution and not always cause long term grudges. However, both parties have to agree to meet with the arbitrator and accept their final rulings which will be.
Arbitration Costs
Arbitration fees can vary from $150 to $750 per hour plus expenses. Rates are often posted online and as arbitration can take longer than litigation, it is reflected in the amount charged. There are also admin fees and maybe fees for room rental and for a court reporter. Prior to the arbitration getting underway both parties will agree how the costs will be split. It is not unreasonable to consider arbitration may be up to twenty-five percent more expensive than litigation.
Real Estate Expert Witness Services by Craig Cherney, Esc.
Craig Cherney is a trusted client advisor and a sought after real estate expert witness who is hired by the nation’s top Real Estate Litigation Attorneys to help resolve their litigated real property matters. Craig has appeared as a testifying expert witness before judges and juries in California, Arizona, Nevada and other jurisdictions across the country. Craig Cherney, Esq. Expert Witness Real Estate. 480-399-2342.