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Breach of Contract Lawyers

A construction contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties for the purpose of completing a construction project. It’s a unique type of contract. A construction contract is most frequently formed between a property owner and a contractor or constructor.

A contractor is usually employed by a property owner to finish a project or provide a service. Once the parties have agreed to a construction contract, each party is legally obligated to follow through on the promises made in the contract.

Construction contracts are divided into four categories:

  • A contract for a particular amount of money to accomplish a full construction project is known as a lump sum or fixed price contract. Any project-related expenses are included in the pricing. For instance, suppose you agree to pay a contractor $10,000 to rebuild your kitchen, including the cost of materials.
  • Cost Plus: This is a contract in which the property owner is accountable for some charges incurred by the contractor. For example, you may agree to pay a contractor to build an addition to your house, but you may be charged separately for supplies or labor.
  • Time & Materials: This is a contract in which payment is agreed to be made on a daily or hourly basis. Frequently, the property owner also agrees to cover some of the expenditures. For example, you might agree to pay a contractor $100 per hour to work on a project and refund them for any money spent to complete it.
  • Government entities are the most common users of unit pricing contracts. A contract is signed to pay a set amount of money for specified construction materials. For example, the government may reach an arrangement with a constructor to provide 100 pipes for a certain price each.

Construction contracts serve three key goals in general:

  • To make a list of each party’s duties;
  • To assess who is to blame for any potential risk in various situations;
  • To give the parties more certainty and the ability to plan for the future.

Construction contract issues do arise from time to time. This is why having the agreement written down in a building contract is a smart idea. One way a disagreement can arise is if one of the parties fails to adhere to the agreement. If any party breaches the contract, the other party can initiate a lawsuit to recover damages.

What is a Construction Contract Breach?

A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. A party who breaks a contract can be held liable for damages in court. In most construction contract disputes, damages might include money for the party who lost money or was damaged as a result of the violation.

To prove a breach of a building contract, there are four factors that must be present:

  • There is such a thing as a legal building contract.
  • You fulfilled your obligations under the construction contract;
  • The other party failed to fulfill their legal obligations under the construction contract; and
  • Because the other party broke the contract, you suffered a loss or were hurt.

The following is an example of a contract breach in the construction industry:

You sign a $5,000 deal with a contractor to have a porch built on your house. The $5,000 is paid to the builder. The contractor begins work on the porch but only completes half of it before stopping. Even though you paid the contractor the money owed to them, they did not fulfill their contractual obligations. The contractor will almost certainly be sued for breach of contract.

You should gather all relevant information before filing a lawsuit for breach of a building contract. You should also go over the contract once again. Most contracts include a provision that spells out what will happen if one of the parties breaks the agreement. Before you can sue, some contracts may require you to try alternative dispute resolution. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a method of resolving conflicts without going to court. Mediation or arbitration are common examples of negotiation processes.

You should also notify the other party if you believe the building contract has been broken. There could be a clause in the contract that gives them a certain amount of time to rectify the problem.

If you can prove the four requirements, you may be able to sue the builder for breach of contract. You must file a lawsuit with the court to sue for breach of a building contract. This implies you’ll have to fill out and submit specific papers to the court. It’s a smart idea to engage an attorney if you’re intending to sue a contractor for breach of contract. An attorney will be familiar with the steps involved in filing a case and can represent you in court to achieve the best possible result.

Are There Any Other Kinds of Damages That Can Be Recovered?

There are several sorts of damages that might be awarded in the event of a contract breach. For a breach of a building contract, you may be able to claim additional sorts of damages.

Other types of damages that can be recovered include:

  • Consequential damages are damages that occur as a result of events that occur outside of the contract. It generally refers to any losses that occurred outside of the contract as a result of the breach. This can include things like lost income, time, revenue, and so on. Contracts frequently include wording stating that a party is not entitled to consequential damages. Your ability to seek consequential damages will be determined by your circumstances and the terms of your contract.
  • Damages that are liquidated are those that are specified in the contract. When determining the amount of damages is difficult, these damages are utilized.
  • Nominal damages: A tiny award, generally a few dollars, is what nominal damages are. When there has been no monetary loss, it is used. The court, on the other hand, wants to emphasize the point that the breaching party did something wrong. It also demonstrates that the person who filed the lawsuit had a legal authority to do so.
  • Punitive damages: Punitive damages are intended to punish a party who has broken a contract. It’s a consequence of their actions. It’s used if the breach was done on purpose or if the perpetrators’ conduct were particularly heinous. The court rarely employs punitive damages. There must be an extreme circumstance.
  • Specific Performance: Specific performance refers to the violating party’s legal obligations under the contract being fulfilled. This could entail completing a project or providing materials. Because the parties’ relationship is already strained, courts rarely adopt this remedy. It’s most commonly used when the deal entails a one-of-a-kind item.

How Can a Lawyer Assist Me?

It is highly recommended that you contact a business attorney in your area if you have any building contract legal difficulties. Hiring a lawyer for building contracts has numerous advantages. A lawyer can assist you in obtaining monetary damages as a result of a breach of a building contract.

An attorney can analyze your case and advise you on any available defenses if you are a contractor who is being sued. They might be able to assist you minimize or eliminate whatever money you owe. A knowledgeable attorney will be able to advise you on the best course of action in your situation. If necessary, they can also represent you in court.

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Craig Cherney is a trusted client advisor and a sought after real estate expert witness who is hired by the nation’s top Real Estate Litigation Attorneys to help resolve their litigated real property matters.  Craig has appeared as a testifying expert witness before judges and juries in California, Arizona, Nevada and other jurisdictions across the country. Craig Cherney, Esq. Expert Witness Real Estate480-399-2342.

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